Getting the All Clear on Acne
- Posted on: Dec 15 2019
Acne is a frustrating problem. It may occur for the first time during adolescence and may rear its head once again (or many times) in adulthood. If you experience frequent breakouts and persistent bumps just beneath the skin, you may struggle trying to find a solution that works successfully. If you are ready to get the all-clear on your acne prognosis once and for all, come see us. In our Manhattan office, we’ve got several ways to approach acne. TheraClear is one you should know.
TheraClear is an innovative acne treatment that differs from many other remedies commonly used today. This multi-step treatment gives dermatologists the power to begin addressing acne during an active phase, something that has previously been challenging. In this way, lasting results are more easily achieved.
What causes acne to develop?
Acne is characterized by cysts, pimples, or blackheads. These lesions typically develop on the face but are also commonly seen on the chest, arms, and back. In some people, breakouts of pimples and cysts continue well into adulthood. These breakouts may include one or both of the two types of acne, which are:
- Non-inflammatory acne, in which blackheads, pimples, or other bumps develop on the surface of the skin.
- Inflammatory acne, which includes cysts, pustules, papules, and nodules. These are pus-filled lumps under the skin that, unlike pimples, do not come to a head.
Both inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne develop when oil, dead skin cells, and debris accumulate and block pores. The skin is home to several types of bacteria. When the P. acnes bacteria gets trapped in the pores along with oil and other debris, swelling occurs.
TheraClear for Acne Reduction
TheraClear is in a class of its own in the treatment of acne. This treatment is conducted in the dermatologist’s office using a small hand-piece that gently vacuums debris out of pores while also delivering broadband light to the epidermis. The vacuum function unblocks the pores, while broadband light destroys the P. acnes bacteria. Treatment both soothes existing irritation and inflammation and reduces the production of excess sebum so future breakouts are less frequent and intense.
Get the Clear Skin You Deserve
We understand the emotional impact of acne and we want to help lessen that for our patients. To schedule a consultation for TheraClear in Manhattan, call 212.391.8600.
Posted in: Acne Treatment