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When Botox Goes Bad

Botox Cosmetic | Laser and Mohs Dermatology | Manhattan NYWe hate even contemplating the potential for Botox to go wrong. Millions of people receive this cosmetic treatment every year with no adverse reaction whatsoever. That doesn’t mean Botox can’t go wrong. Regardless of how common this treatment has become, it is crucial that consumers take their time when choosing a Botox provider. Botox injections truly are an art form that provides the best results when provided with exemplary skill and care. Here, we point out a few ways that Botox has gone bad, and what may be done about post-treatment concerns.

Your resting face doesn’t look like “you.”

There are terms that describe the overuse of Botox around the eyes; “Spock brow, Caveman brow . . . “ No one wants these terms to describe an unnaturally high or low eyebrow resulting from muscle relaxation brought on by Botox. To inhibit this from happening, your experienced injector will closely observe the anatomy of your face, including the natural way that your muscles raise (if they do at all) to account for eyelid drooping. The same care is taken when Botox is injected into the mouth to correct downturned corners.

Muscle in adjacent areas is restricted.

The reason Botox works at all are because of its relaxing effect on muscles. However, too much relaxation – too much diffusion of product into adjacent areas – can disrupt natural movements. To minimize the risk of treating or adversely affecting the wrong muscles, experienced injectors take time getting to know the musculature of each patient’s face.

A template is used.

Templates: Kybella? Yes. Botox? No. Botox is not a one-size-fits-all treatment. For results to look good on your face, we need to know your face and how your muscles move. It’s that simple. If you find yourself face to face with an injector who isn’t observing your face, think again about going through with your injections.

An integral part of good Botox is taking time. Every patient is unique. We can say this, but what we value is following through with treating each patient as unique. For more information on Botox and how we perform this treatment, call our Midtown Manhattan dermatology office at (212) 391-8600.

Posted in: Botox

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