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How To Remove Acne Scars With Dermal Fillers and Laser

  • Posted on: Jul 15 2022
  • By:

Photo before and after treatment for acne.Acne scars can be caused by a variety of factors, including picking at your skin, severe acne, and even surgery. The severity of the scarring depends on how deep the acne was and how long it lasted. Acne scars can be treated with dermal fillers and lasers.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are a popular treatment for acne scars because they are easy to administer, affordable and effective. Dermal fillers are made of collagen or hyaluronic acid (HA). During the procedure, these substances are injected into the skin at the site of an acne scar. The HA is absorbed into the body over time, but collagen remains in place to gradually improve the appearance of your skin. This treatment can last anywhere from six months to one year depending on how much filler your body absorbs.


Laser treatments are another effective way to reduce acne scars. This procedure works by heating up your skin so that it heals faster than normal and reduces inflammation in the area where you have scars. While laser treatments have been around for decades now, newer technologies allow doctors to more precisely target specific types of scarring such as ice pick scars or rolling scars with less discomfort for patients.

Overall, there is no specific way to remove acne scar with fillers or laser. However, consultation with a board-certified dermatologist is the first step towards determining the most optimal treatment option. From there, the process is much like any other cosmetic procedure: your doctor will evaluate your skin and make recommendations based on that evaluation. The only real difference is that you’re seeking to improve your skin, rather than simply fix a problem. But the process doesn’t change because of that—so start now on improving the look and feel of your skin.

Dermal fillers may not be a permanent solution for acne scars, but they are a great temporary fix if you are scared of the potential side effects that most chemical peels include. If this is something that interests you, contact Laser & Mohs Dermatology of New York at 212-391-8600 today for more information.

Posted in: Acne Treatment

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