Acne scars can be caused by a variety of factors, including picking at your skin, severe acne, and even surgery. The severity of the scarring depends on how deep the acne was and how long it lasted. Acne scars can be treated with dermal fillers and lasers. Dermal Fillers Dermal fillers are a popular treatment… Read More »
If you have problems with acne flare-ups, you may hesitate to use any new products or treatments on your sensitive skin. The fear that can occur with recurring acne breakouts can prevent you from getting the care your skin needs to shine more brightly and recovery from flare-ups and irritations with more resilience. Whether you… Read More »
Acne is a problematic condition that can linger long past our adolescent years. Some people sail through early adulthood only to struggle with acne during their twenties or thirties. In any situation, one of the challenges of managing healthy skin is identifying potential triggers. Some believe that what they eat affects whether or not they… Read More »
Acne is a frustrating problem. It may occur for the first time during adolescence and may rear its head once again (or many times) in adulthood. If you experience frequent breakouts and persistent bumps just beneath the skin, you may struggle trying to find a solution that works successfully. If you are ready to get… Read More »
Acne is one of the most common skin conditions to affect teens. In many cases, breakouts can continue well into adulthood. The appearance of pimples and blackheads can be extremely frustrating at any age. Regardless of the perception that acne is a normal part of adolescence, there comes a time when a doctor’s care is… Read More »
Anyone who has ever struggled with acne knows how tempting it is to pick or pop blackheads and whiteheads. It isn’t for entertainment that we do this; it seems to be an instinctual urge brought on by a desire to rid the skin of such irritating lesions. The problem is, picking and popping come with… Read More »
Acne is an age-old problem that many people remember as a sort of rite of passage into adulthood. It’s true that acne tends to be more prevalent among teenagers. All those surging hormones do not course through the veins without disrupting at least a few aspects of life! The thing about acne is that this… Read More »