Is Kybella Your Answer to a Younger Looking Face?
- Posted on: Oct 30 2019
It doesn’t matter where it sticks on the body, fat is a problem that many people struggle to manage. The fatty deposits that we know as a double-chin are particularly difficult because the fat that lives under the chin is incredibly resistant. People who are at a relatively stable and ideal weight may notice what is known as submental fullness. A double-chin used to be correctable only with liposuction. Now, Kybella is the go-to solution.
Since its FDA approval a few years ago, Kybella has become a popular injectable across the United States. Before that time, the ingredient in this cosmetic drug, deoxycholic acid, was commonly used in Europe and other countries. If you’re ready to reframe your face without the extra padding, here are some details you want to know about Kybella.
Kybella naturally destroys fat.
Injectable fat reduction does not work like surgical treatment. When we perform liposuction on any area, including the upper neck, cells are manually removed with gentle vacuum action. Kybella destroys fat from the inside out. The deoxycholic acid in the drug is a naturally-occurring substance that is typically used by the body to dismantle dietary fat. Injected into the subcutaneous space, this acid gets absorbed by fat cells. The walls of the cells weaken so such a degree that the lipids inside spill out. As a result, the fat cells shrink significantly.
For Kybella to do its job takes time and, in many cases, a series of treatments is needed. Each insertion of deoxycholic acid breaks down fat cells a little further, leading to a more sculpted jawline. Up to 4 treatment sessions may be scheduled over a few months to achieve the best results.
Schedule Kybella treatments wisely.
While we do not consider Kybella as a treatment that needs downtime in the same way as chin liposuction, patients should know that there are side effects to treatment that they may want to experience in private. One of the most notable side effects of Kybella is swelling. A fair amount of it. For about two days after treatment, one may feel the deoxycholic acid “swishing” through fatty tissue. This is not uncomfortable, but it can be noticeable. Even as swelling begins to subside, some patients like to wear scarves to cover their neck.
Would you like to know more about Kybella? Schedule a consultation in our Manhattan office at 212.391.8600.
Posted in: Kybella